"The most amazing photographer. She has a passion in what she does and will do anything to get you the perfect pictures! I am in love with mine.”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Chelsea

A Flying Dress Photoshoot Experience is one that will leave you feeling like you’re on the red carpet against the breathtaking backdrop of the Hawaiian islands.

⭐️ Celebrate YOU on that big day or on any regular day

⭐️ Currently offering photoshoots on all Hawaiian islands

⭐️ Groups and couples welcome

⭐️ Maternity, Engagement and Honeymoon shoots

⭐️ Women’s Empowerment Retreats

⭐️ Military Discount for Active Military and their spouses

A Flying Dress Photoshoot Experience is one that will leave you feeling like you’re on the red carpet against the breathtaking backdrop of the Hawaiian islands.

⭐️ Celebrate yourself on that big day or on any regular day

⭐️ Currently offering photoshoots on all Hawaiian islands

⭐️ Groups and couples welcome

⭐️ Maternity, Engagement and Honeymoon shoots

⭐️ Military Discount for Active Military and their spouses

⭐️ Women’s Empowerment Retreats

Inquire about package pricing and availability.

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Please note all deposits are non refundable. However, if you must cancel or reschedule for any reason we will credit your deposit towards a future photoshoot of any kind. It’s non-refundable because when we reserve your date we are usually having to pass on other business that is wanting to schedule.

Mahalo for your understanding.